India's Uttar Pradesh Sodic LandsReclamation Project has two objectives. First, it seeks toreverse the decline of productivity through sustainablereclamation of sodic lands. Second, it is intended toprevent additional increases in sodicity throughstrengthening local institutions and enabling effectivemanagement of such programs with strong beneficiaryparticipation and nongovernmental organization (NGO)support. This objective contributes to the alleviation ofpoverty of families managing sodic lands. Social Developmentbest practices elements were identified as using:multi-dimensional approach to poverty reduction aimed atenhancing opportunities, capabilities, empowerment, andsecurity of the poor; institutionalized mechanisms forparticipation and decentralized implementation; and ongoingmonitoring and evaluation of social development outcomes bythe government and community. Lessons learned focused onestablishing the correct sequence of project activities is akey ingredient of success. In this case, the sequenceinvolved first establishing property rights and landtitling, then creating organizations of the poor, and thenproviding technical solutions and resources forimplementation. Transparency and participatoryproblem-solving by stakeholders builds ownership. Investmentin organizational development and local capacity buildinglays the groundwork for decentralized management by beneficiaries.