Due to the size of the country, theGovernment of Dominica carries out limited amounts ofprocurement, with the majority of capital investments beingfinanced by external sources. However, the domestic publicsector procurement system is inefficient and lackstransparency posing a high fiduciary risk. The lack oftransparency itself is a major cause for inefficiency andexcess costs and has a significant negative impact on trade,investment, and economic growth. This Country ProcurementAssessment Report includes stand-alone, short, andmedium-term recommendations which would enhance transparencyand efficiency in the domestic procurement environmentindependently of the regional harmonization effort. However,given the small size of Dominica's economy, limitedamount of procurement, and scarce human resources, realeconomies of scales with respect to operational procurementas well as overall capacity can be best achieved by framingmedium-term recommendations in terms of regional approaches.