This volume, which is the third in aseries that began with African Economic and Financial Data(World Bank and UNDP) in 1989, followed by the first AfricanDevelopment Indicators in 1992, presents data from 53African countries, arranged in 255 separate tables ormatrices for more that 300 development indicators. Inaddition, 25 charts facilitate data interpretation andcross-country comparison. The indicators are grouped into 15chapters: background data, national accounts, prices andexchange rates, money and banking, the external sector,external debt and related flows, government finance,agriculture, industry, labor force and employment, publicenterprises, aid flows, social indicators, environmentalindicators, and household welfare indicators. Each chapterincludes a brief introduction on the nature of the data andtheir limitations followed by technical notes that definethe indicators and identify specific sources. Most of theindicators present data by year for the period 1980-93. Manyindicators also include averages or average growth rates forthree recent time periods, covering the years 1975-93 or themost recently available year. Considerable effort has beenmade to standardize the data to facilitate cross-country comparisons.