This paper builds on the globalexperience and Mali s context to identify an effectivenutrition approach as well as costs and benefits of keynutrition programs, as part of a resilience agenda after thecrisis. It is intended to help guide the selection of themost cost-effective interventions as well as strategies forscaling these up. The paper looks at both relevantnutrition-specific interventions, largely delivered throughthe health sector, and at multisectoral nutrition-sensitiveinterventions delivered through other sectors such asagriculture, social protection, and water and sanitationthat have the potential to strengthen nutritional outcomesin Mali. We first estimate that the costs and benefits ofimplementing 10 nutrition-specific interventions in allregions of Mali would require a yearly public investment of$64 million. The expected benefits are large: annually about480,000 Disability-adjusted Life Years (DALYs) and more than14,000 lives would be saved and over 260,000 cases ofstunting among children under five would be averted.However, because it is unlikely that the Government of Malior its partners will find the $64 million necessary to reachfull national coverage, we also consider three potentialscale-up scenarios based on considerations of theirpotential for impact, the burden of stunting, resourcerequirements, and implementation capacity. Usingcost-benefit analyses, we propose scale-up scenarios thatrepresent a compromise between the need to move to fullcoverage and the constraints imposed by limited resources.We identify and cost six nutrition-sensitive interventionsthat are relevant to Mali s context and for which there areboth evidence of positive impact on nutrition outcomes andsome cost information. These findings point to a powerfulset of nutrition-specific interventions and a candidate listof nutrition-sensitive approaches that represent a highlycost-effective approach to reducing child malnutrition in Mali.