This toolkit is the first of its kind toprovide information on promoting and protecting thenutritional status of mothers and children in crises andemergencies. Latin America and the Caribbean is one of themost vulnerable regions in the world to major crises andemergencies. This toolkit aims to improve the resilience ofthe most vulnerable in times of intensified nutritionalneeds, most notably pregnant and lactating mothers as wellas children less than two years of age. Its principalobjective is to offer countries, when faced with thetransition from stable times into and out of crisis, clearguidance on how to safeguard the nutritional status ofmothers and children during times of stability, crisis, andemergency. The principal objective of this toolkit is tooffer clear guidance, in a single-source compilation, thatwill assist countries in safeguarding the nutritional statusof mothers and children during times of stability, crisis,and emergency. It aims to inform changes in countries'policies and practices and to guide their attempts to dealwith persistently high prevalence rates of malnutritionamong their poorest, least educated, and indigenouspopulations. This toolkit has been crafted so that it can bereadily used by non-nutrition specialists.