This guide is designed to assist healthcare organizations in emerging markets to reach‘international standards’ of quality and patient safety. Itwill enable them to conduct an organizationalself-assessment to identify how well they are meetingdefined standards in five key areas: governance andleadership, ethics and patient rights, quality measurementand improvement, patient safety, and facility safety andemergency management. The guide will help them to gauge howmuch effort they need to make, and in which areas, to reachinternational standards. The assessment is not, in itself,intended for use as an accreditation tool, although it islikely to be a useful tool for organizations that areactively considering international accreditation. If theorganization has already attained internationalaccreditation, the Guide may serve to reinforce itscommitment to the process of continual improvement. Thedocument provides information regarding key principlesunderlying quality improvement initiatives. And it guidesusers through the important steps of undertaking a qualityself-assessment. These include: getting organized,collecting data, identifying gaps and developing plans formeeting key standards.