The portability of social benefits isgaining importance given the increasing share of individualsworking at least part of their life outside their homecountry. Bilateral social security agreements (BSSAs) areconsidered a crucial approach to establishing portability,but the functionality and effectiveness of these agreementshave not yet been investigated; thus importance guidance forpolicy makers in migrant-sending and migrant-receivingcountries is missing. To shed light on how BSSAs work inpractice, this document is part of a series providinginformation and lessons from studies of portability in fourdiverse but comparable corridors: Austria-Turkey,Germany-Turkey, Belgium-Morocco, and France-Morocco. Asummary policy paper draws broader conclusions and offersoverarching policy recommendations. This report looksspecifically into the working of the Germany-Turkeycorridor. Findings suggest that the BSSA between Germany andTurkey is broadly working well, with no main substantiveissues in the area of pension portability and few minorsubstantive issues concerning health care portability andfinancing. Some process issues around information andautomation of information exchange are recognized and arebeginning to be addressed.