The countries of the Europe and CentralAsia (ECA) region are confronting a number of demographicchallenges over the coming decades. These include shrinkingpopulations and labor forces because of belowreplacement-level fertility and older age structures, highmortality in a large portion of the region, agingpopulations and high dependency ratios, shrinking youthpopulations and less new entrants to the labor force, andrelatively immobile populations. The report is structured asfollows. After this introduction, the second section reviewspopulation trends in the ECA region over the past twodecades. Following that is a review of the literature on theissue of aging globally and specifically in the ECA region.This includes the implications of population aging oneconomic growth and, employment, and public expenditures.The next section looks at projections of demographic trendsin the ECA region for the period 2010 to 2040, includingaging trends. Following this is an examination of the rolethat migration and mobility play in the aging process amongthe ECA countries in the future. The final section concludesby discussing policy options and areas for further researchand analysis