Results Readiness in Social Protection and Labor Operations : Technical Guidance Notes for Social Service Delivery Projects
Van Domelen, Julie
World Bank, Washington, DC
RP-ID  :  60083
来源: World Bank Open Knowledge Repository
【 摘 要 】

The social protection (SP) portfolioincludes a number of operations that are focused onimproving service delivery across a broad range of socialservices. These service delivery goals are typicallyoriented to improving access to and quality of socialservices, usually as part of broader government reform anddecentralization strategies. There is one case of this typeof a project in an emergency context, ensuring access tobasic services as an important complement to a safety netstrategy. There are other complementarities between safetynets and service delivery projects, for example many safetynet programs like Conditional Cash Transfers (CCTs) rely onthe basic functioning of health and education services inthe vicinity of program beneficiaries. The cohort includes12 social service delivery-oriented SP projects representingabout 15 percent of the cohort with an average of 2operations approved per year in the period FY05-09. Despitethe relatively lower frequency of this type of SP operation,there was broad regional representation with 5 in AFR, 4 inLatin America and Caribbean (LAC) and one each in MiddleEast and North Africa (MENA), South Asia Region (SAR) andEurope and Central Asia (ECA). The group is evenly dividedbetween policy-based and investment lending, with sixpolicy-based Development Policy Loan (DPL) and PrivateSector Committee (PSC) projects, four specific investmentprojects, one technical assistance, and one emergencyrecovery project. The prominence of DPLs underscores thepolicy type of objectives often found in these projects. TheDPLs range from PRSCs and DPLs with broader country focus,like Madagascar and Niger, to DPLs more narrowly focused onsocial services, as is the case of a series of DPLs in Peru.Investment lending ranges from stabilization of socialservices in response to crisis in the West Bank and Gaza, tolonger-term institutional objectives of decentralizingsocial service delivery and financing in Serbia andEthiopia. In terms of institutional objectives, theseprojects most typically focus on sector institutions anddecentralization strategies. There is less of a focus on thecommunity level than on sub-national government roles and responsibilities.

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