Following the launch of the NationalUrban Sanitation Policy (NUSP, 2008), a number ofinitiatives were taken: states formulated their StateSanitation Strategies, and more than 150 cities drafted orare in the process of drafting the City Sanitation Plans(CSPs, by March 2014). The NUSP recommended development ofspecial strategies for slums and poor settlements as anintegral part of the CSPs. But the significant presence ofslums in Indian cities (estimated between 9 and 14 million,or 12 to 16 percent of India’s 79 million urban households),and the specific difficulties that these settlements face inaccessing basic sanitation (and other) services, demanded agreater understanding of the conditions, and exploration ofstrategies used to address these. Section one presents ashort introduction to the context of urban India and urbansanitation, followed by a brief review of programmaticresponses by GoI to improve slum sanitation services.Thereafter, the guide draws out the critical factors ordrivers using examples from successful community slumsanitation initiatives reported from the urban centersselected for this study. A set of generic activity clustersand steps are included at the end the preparatory, planning,implementation, and M&E stages of community sanitation initiatives.