Matching grants are one of the mostcommon tools used in private sector development programs indeveloping countries and have been included in more than 60World Bank projects totaling over US$1.2 billion, fundingover 100,000 micro, small and medium enterprises. TheEnterprise Revitalization and Employment Pilot (EREP) wasdesigned as a two year pilot project aimed at improving firmcapabilities and the employability of recent graduates. Thematching grant component provided firms with a matchinggrant of up to $10,000 as a 50 percent subsidy towards thecost of innovation and business services like finance andaccounting systems, website creation, training, marketing,participation in exhibitions, and some associated goods. Theprogram implementation was designed with the lessons ofother matching grant programs in mind in order to overcometheir problems with take-up: eligibility criteria were keptbroad; the application form was not complex and could bedone either online or in paper; and the program was well-advertised.