As countries develop (and foodsaturation takes hold), agriculture’s role as domesticemployer declines. But the broader agri-food system (AFS)also expands, and the scope for agriculture-related jobcreation shifts beyond the farm. Historically, technologicalrevolutions both have shaped and have been shaped by thesedynamics. Today, a digital revolution is taking hold,affecting agricultural labor and skill demands. In thisprocess, societies evolve from having a surplus to ashortage of domestic farm labor, typically met largely byforeign agricultural wage workers. Yet, anti-immigrationsentiments are flying high in migrant-destination countries,and robots in the fields and packing plants offer analternative. Agricultural trade may be similarly challenged.In the world’s poorest countries, particularly in Africa,labor productivity in agriculture remains at historicallylow levels. So, what can the role of agriculture as a sourceof employment be in the future? This viewpoint elaborates onthese trends and reviews a number of policy options,including inclusive value chain development, betterimmigration policies, social insurance schemes and ramp upin agricultural education and extension.