This paper is a work-in-progress and wasdeveloped to advance our thinking on how to make JobsDiagnostics more strategic and to explore how guidance canbest bridge the link from jobs analysis throughprioritization, to recommendations. It will continue toevolve as we undertake more diagnostics. The role of JobsDiagnostics is to help operational teams think more deeplyabout evidence, guide them towards priority problems andunderstand the constraints to better jobs outcomes witheconomic growth, and their likely causes. We believe abetter link from standardized diagnosis to recommendationsis needed, while recognizing that a single formulaicframework is not desirable. In general, Jobs Diagnosticsguidelines should help contribute to thinking about causesof jobs problems identified in data tests, with prioritiesfor policies and operations should be based on evidence andnot be left too open to discretion. This is a first attemptto help practitioners narrow down Jobs problems, thinkdeeply about their causes, and prioritize between possiblesolution areas. Thus, the examples given in this paper arenot exhaustive, and its recommendations are not meant to beprescriptive. The guidance will be refined in the comingyears, as more practical examples emerge and we gain furtherlessons in strategic prioritization.