Sierra Leone is a relatively smalleconomy with potential for jobs-rich growth. It is anextremely poor nation with substantial mineral,agricultural, and fishery resources. Nearly half of theworking-age population engages in subsistence agriculture.Alluvial diamond mining remains the major source of hardcurrency earnings, accounting for nearly half of exports.However, the anticipated job-rich recovery is unlikely to berealized simply from the continued exploitation of theminerals underneath Sierra Leonean soil. This JobsDiagnostic of Sierra Leone is a first, modest, butnecessary, step to formulate that focused effort to creategood jobs. It provides a better understanding of the jobcreation performance of the economy. It identifies the majorproblems that hold back the economy from creating good,formal-sector jobs that will lift people out of poverty andget them on the road to upward mobility. The Jobs Diagnosticbegins with a look at the jobs creation performance of theeconomy. It then provides an examination of the laborsupply—the state of the present and future workers andentrepreneurs. Finally, this diagnostic looks at jobperformance of firms—the potential employers and job creators.