The main challenge for achieving acountry’s development goals is the creation of more, betterand inclusive jobs, as economic growth needs to beaccompanied by job growth if the poor are going to benefitto any significant extent. Turkey’s rapid economic growthsince the early 2000s has been studied by the World Bank andothers, highlighting the role of comprehensive reforms thatpromoted the country’s integration into the global economy,facilitated structural change, and catalyzed job creation.Therefore, the objective of this report is to present acomprehensive Jobs Diagnostic for Turkey with a view topromoting inclusive economic growth and poverty reduction.The report also aims to lay the evidence base to supportpolicy dialogue in the country and provide input for thedevelopment of a national jobs strategy for the delivery ofmore, better, and inclusive jobs in Turkey. Understandingthe factors that influence the creation of more, better andinclusive jobs essentially requires a multisectoralapproach. Therefore, this jobs diagnostic aims to assess therelationships between supply- and demand-side factors.