Adjustment Costs of Trade Liberalization : Estimations for the Russian Labor
Akhmedov, Akhmed ; Bessonova, Evgenia ; Cherkashin, Ivan ; Denisova, Irina ; Grishina, Elena ; Nekipelov, Denis
World Bank, Washington, DC
关键词: labor market;    trade liberalization;    labor demand;    wage premiums;    employment flows;   
RP-ID  :  111990
来源: World Bank Open Knowledge Repository
【 摘 要 】

The paper investigates adjustment costsof trade liberalization in Russia by estimating variouslabor market elasticities with respect to indicators oftrade liberalization in the 90-ies. In particular, theinfluence of tariff reduction on demand for labor isestimated, inter-sectoral employment flows in recent yearsand their determinants are studied, as well as determinantsof sectoral wage premiums and of wage differentials betweenskilled and unskilled labor. The estimated elasticities oflabor demand and wages show to be of very moderate sizeimplying a modest adjustment cost in the labor market.

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