Across the globe, the author seeincreasing interest in attracting, retaining, developing,and motivating great teachers. Student achievement has beenfound to correlate with economic and social progress. Recentstudies have shown that teacher quality is the mainschool-based predictor of student achievement and thatseveral consecutive years of outstanding teaching can offsetthe learning deficits of disadvantaged students. However,establishing the right teacher policies to ensure that everyclassroom has a motivated, supported, and competent teacherremains a challenge; evidence on the impacts of many teacherpolicies remains insufficient and scattered, the impact ofmany reforms depends on specific design features, andteacher policies can have very different impacts dependingon the context and the education policies in place. The mainfocus of SABER-teachers is on policy design, rather than onpolicy implementation. SABER teachers analyzes the teacherpolicies formally adopted by education systems. However,policies ‘on the ground,’ that is, policies as they areactually implemented, may differ quite substantially frompolicies as originally designed. In fact, they often dodiffer, because of the political economy of the reformprocess, lack of capacity of the organizations in charge ofimplementing them, or the interaction between these policiesand specific contextual factors. Since SABER-Teacherscollects limited data on policy implementation, theassessment of teacher policies presented in this reportneeds to be complemented with detailed information thatdescribes the actual configuration of teacher policies onthe ground.