This summary report presents thefindings of the Ethiopia WASH Poverty Diagnostic (EWPD)study led by the World Bank`s Water and Poverty GlobalPractices. Though Ethiopia has made good progress inincreasing access to water supply, sanitation, and hygiene(WASH) services in recent years, the quality of manyservices are below the standards set for meeting theSustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The study reviewexisting institutional structures and challenges that areinhibiting high-quality service delivery. The EWPD alsoreviews the quality and inequality in access to WASH servicebetween those living in urban and rural areas, as well asdifferent regions, areas of water insecurity and amongst thepoorest households. EWPD also attempts to show theimplications of poor access to WASH services on humandevelopment (health, nutrition, and education) and povertyreduction. The analysis aims to support the government andother stakeholders identify gaps in service delivery andanswer questions on why these gaps exist. The reportconcludes by offering recommendations for moving Ethiopia`sWASH sector forward.