The Water Supply, Sanitation and Hygiene(WASH) Poverty Diagnostic in Mozambique is part of a globalinitiative to improve the evidence base on the linkagesbetween WASH, human development, and poverty. The Diagnosticprovides a detailed analysis of sector status, strengths andweaknesses to inform the conditions needed to attain the newSustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that aim not only foruniversal access but for safely managed water and sanitationcoverage. This report summarizes three background papers ofthis activity; the first containing the overall summary offindings, a dossier of sector data, and lessons andrecommendations; then two technical reports that cover (i)the detailed information and data on the linkages betweenWASH, health and human development outcomes, and (ii) theanalysis of the main institutional barriers that exist inthe rural water subsector. The report presents updatedevidence and data using diverse analytical tools thatcontribute to understand why and how WASH investments couldbe coordinated with other sectors to improve humandevelopment outcomes, such as reduced childhood stunting.The information presented in this comprehensive reportexplores water supply service quality, affordability andavailability and offers conceptual framework andinstitutional diagnostic applied to the rural water sector,where services have been lagging behind in terms of coverageover the past decades.