The purpose of the brief Urban Water andSanitation in Tanzania: Remaining Challenges to ProvidingSafe, Reliable and Affordable Services for All is to outlinethe ways in which the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)framing of water and sanitation is helping us to understandnot previously seen problems with urban services. For waterservices we see a reduction in the gap in access to improvedand piped supply between rich and poor since 2005, withoverall coverage currently standing at 85 in 2016. However,the low reliability of supply leads to a dependence on moreexpensive, informal service providers as a secondary source.This dependence can hit the poor hardest. In contrast, forsanitation we see a persistent and widening gap between richand poor in improved access with a high proportion of sharedfacilities. Furthermore, as the SDG standards point out,lack of safe treatment and disposal of fecal matter can leadto a greater risk of contaminated water being ingested bythe population, increasing the likelihood of waterbornedisease such as cholera. Tanzania's cities, haveexperienced frequent outbreaks of cholera, with 4,985 casesreported in 2017.