Although Brazil is the fifth largestcountry in the world, it has a relatively low number ofnatural hazards. However, its exposure to natural hazardshas increased relative to other countries because ofinsufficient preventive actions in the past, resulting inmore damage from natural hazards to both infrastructure andhuman lives than countries of comparable size would incur.Brazil faces an increasing risk of natural disasters, inparticular floods and landslides. The objective of the studyis to strengthen capacity of geohazard disaster resilienceof federal highway infrastructure in Brazil throughreviewing disaster risk management (DRM) capacity forfederal road infrastructure and case studies of applyinginnovative methodologies for assessing disaster risk andevaluating economic benefits of resilience countermeasures.Although floods and landslides are the most recurrentnatural disasters in Brazil, this report focuses on thelatter, leaving floods for future studies. This reportcarefully describes how three innovative methodologies that,if properly applied, could improve the effectiveness oflandslide risk management, thus reducing economic and humanimpacts. The report begins with diagnostics of theinstitutional capacities of geohazard risk management at thefederal government level in Brazil. Chapters 1 and 2 includethe backgrounds of natural disasters, road systems, andgeohazards on roads in Brazil and a review of the roadgeohazard risk management with overviews of the followingareas: institutional capacity and coordination, systemplanning, engineering designs, operation and maintenance,nonstructural measures, and contingency programming. Then,Chapters 3 and 4 describe the case study of application ofthe three innovative DRM assessment methodologies. Finally,Chapter 5 shows the suggestions and recommendations for thenext steps.