The number of individuals who havecrossed borders has mushroomed over recent years. Thephenomenon of international migration, however, isheterogeneous in terms of the underlying motives andaspirations of migrants. Forced international migrants areinvoluntarily displaced refugees who flee conflict,violence, or persecution across an international border.Voluntary migrants can additionally be classified into twocategories: (i) temporary labor migrants who migrate foreconomic reasons for a fixed duration of time, and (ii)immigrants who move with the intention of changing theircountry of residence, due to factors such as wanting toreunite with family or to benefit economically. Bilaterallabor agreements (BLAs) between sending and receivingcountries are institutional tools designed to facilitatemigratory flows and maximize the potential benefits oftemporary international migration for all concerned. Thisstudy focuses on the employment permit system (EPS) inKorea, a temporary migration program for low-skilled workersconsidered a good global practice among efforts toward thegoal of co-development - that is, the mutual benefit of bothsending and receiving nations. The EPS has accomplishedseveral remarkable achievements, including a drasticreduction in migrants’ cost burden, enhanced transparency,reduction in the share of workers overstaying, and improvedaccess to worker protection. The process used to matchemployers and temporary labor migrants also meritssignificant improvement.