Armenia has experienced massive outflowsof its people over years. Emigrants’ share of the Armenianpopulation stood at approximately thirty-two percent in2017, according to migration data from the United Nations(UN). Half of Armenian emigrants reside in Russia. Other keydestinations include Azerbaijan, the United States andUkraine. Recent migration is primarily temporary labormigration, unlike the permanent emigration that occurred inthe 1990s. Remittances resulting from migration constituteimportant support to the welfare of households and thedomestic economy. Nevertheless, the effects of remittancesand migration on labor markets are not fully understood. Asmigration is likely to continue, such questions are stilltimely and relevant. The Russian-Armenian University (RAU)survey data indicate that about as many people would like tomigrate as are current first-time migrants. This policybrief aims to explore and address the two questions aboutmigration and its effects on the labor market in Armenia. Ituses data from the household migration surveys conducted bythe RAU over the three-year period of 2015-2017. The briefdescribes the general landscape of temporary labor migrationand presents relevant policy recommendations.