Malawi currently faces an environmentalcycle of decline and degradation. The challenges it facesare complex and interrelated, but there are two underlyingdrivers behind this decline. Population growth places hugedemands on natural systems with more land being converted toagriculture and more forests being harvested for the woodfuel supply. Climate change magnifies these impacts byputting greater strain on land and forests due to increasedincidents of natural disasters and extreme weather events.Proximate drivers of environmental degradation include weakland tenure security, unsustainable land managementpractices (driven in part by poorly designed and targetedagricultural subsidies), chronic shortages of public fundingfor environmental management, and weak institutions,particularly those at decentralized levels. The MalawiCountry Environmental Analysis (CEA) compiles and reviewsexisting analyses on Malawi's environment and naturalresources (ENR) and explores what this evidence means forpoverty and economic development. The CEA also identifies 10strategic recommendations to address the degradation ofnatural resources and the environment and to promoteimproved environmental management, investment, andexpenditure practices.