Somalia’s natural capital is undersubstantial pressure from inappropriate land uses, conflict,and climate change. In its Ninth National Development Plan(Somalia NDP-9), the government of Somalia has identifiedvulnerability to environmental shocks as one of the sixmajor causes of poverty. The Plan also observes that amongthe top four drivers of poverty is natural disasters.Subsequently, the Plan notes that the achievement of thefour-national development priority pillars is contingentupon ‘better management of Somalia’s environment and itsnatural resources.’ The Somalia CEA is an analyticaldocument that systematically evaluates Somalia’s environmentand natural resources (ENR) sector, using both authors’ owndata and published secondary information. The end-term goalof the report is to facilitate both a long-term dialoguewithin Somalia on the interlinkages between environment anddevelopment and herald better coordination among developmentpartners on matters touching on the management of Somalia’snatural assets. By identifying environmental concerns at anearly stage in Somalia’s renewed engagement withinternational financing institutions, the CEA identifiesopportunities for managing natural resources to deliverimprovements for livelihoods, reducing poverty, and buildingclimate change resilience across all the environmental sectors.