Developing Monitoring and Evaluation Systems for the National Climate Change and Low Carbon Green Growth Strategy and Action Plan in Romania
World Bank
World Bank, Washington, DC
RP-ID  :  103918
来源: World Bank Open Knowledge Repository
【 摘 要 】

In support of the Climate Change and LowCarbon Green Growth Program of Romania (LCGGP), the WorldBank has prepared the current report with the aim of helpingthe Romanian Government to operationalize the strategic pathchosen by the country for implementing its National ClimateChange and Low Carbon Green Growth Strategy 2016-20302(NSCC) and the associated 2016-2020 Action Plan for ClimateChange (APCC). This includes some relevant institutionalarrangements and Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E)activities for existing Climate Change (CC) related policiesand measures, notably those derived from the United NationsFramework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and theKyoto Protocol, plus the requirements for European Union(EU) Member States regarding the monitoring and evaluationof the EU-level climate and energy package and the Europe2020 goals for a smart, sustainable and inclusive growth. Itwas recommended that the Romanian government should buildupon current obligations for M&E of public policies,whilst recognizing that the M&E system initiallyestablished for the NSCC and APCC for Romania must not beconsidered as static, but rather as an on-going continuumthat will evolve, expand and improve over time. The reporthighlights some key weaknesses in institutional capacity forCC-related M&E and identifies several sector-specificexamples of areas for improvement. The report usefullyreviews international good practices for the M&E of CCstrategies and action plans under the headings of Generalgood practice; Green Growth good practices; Specialconsiderations for CC adaptation (including the selection ofindicators), and; European examples (including short casestudies on relevant M&E practices from Germany andFrance). In order to facilitate the necessary learningprocesses for policy-makers and other key stakeholders it isrecommended that the Romanian government adopts a“theory-based” approach (in conjunction with the OECD DACcriteria) as the evaluation framework for the NSCC and APCC.The theory-based approach follows an iterative process ofdesign, evaluation, and redesign based on lessons learnedabout whether specific interventions are successful or not,why they succeeded or failed and how they can be improved.The report concludes with numerous additional practicalrecommendations for development of a simple, affordable andcost effective M&E system for the NSCC and APCC. Theserecommendations are grouped into four categories: (i)general recommendations; (ii) recommendations for improvinginstitutional arrangements; (iii) recommendations fordeveloping a solid evaluation framework; and (iv)recommendations for reporting. Finally, to ensure a robustframework, the M&E and Reporting system should clearlydefine goals, indicators, responsibilities and communicationstrategies. It should facilitate continuous learning bypolicy-makers and other key stakeholders in order tounderpin the long-term development of the knowledge andunderstanding needed to better design, implement and deliverfuture CC strategies and action plans for Romania.

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