A proper understanding of the risksfaced by the agricultural sector and effective strategies tomanage those risks is vital to creating a diversified andresilient economy for sustained growth and economictransformation. Increasing Agricultural Resilience throughBetter Risk Management in Zambia provides a rigorousanalysis of the production, marketing, and enablingenvironment risks faced by Zambia’s agricultural sector andprioritizes solutions to manage the risks. In terms of theseverity and frequency of adverse impacts, the analysisshows that droughts, floods, price volatilities, and traderestrictions are the principal risks affecting agriculturein the country. Exposure to the consequences of these andother risks can be effectively limited through riskmanagement systems tailored to the country’s context. Threeareas of risk management are found to warrant priority, withsignificant potential for synergizing actions undertakenacross them: Strengthen early warning system to detectthreats to food security; Develop climate-smart agricultureand increase resilience to climate-related shocks throughdiversification; and Develop the Zambian Commodity Exchange(ZAMACE) and build a shock-responsive safety net.