Global ID Coverage, Barriers, and Use by the Numbers : An In-Depth Look at the 2017 ID4D-Findex Survey
World Bank
World Bank, Washington, DC
RP-ID  :  146705
来源: World Bank Open Knowledge Repository
【 摘 要 】

The ID4D-Findex data was collected aspart of the 2017 round of the World Bank's GlobalFindex survey, carried out by Gallup, Inc. as part of itsGallup World poll. The survey was conducted onrepresentative samples of the non-institutionalized civilianpopulation over age 15.8 The survey included three questionsrelated to ID that were asked in 97 countries: (1) whetheror not a person had their country's national ID orequivalent foundational ID credential; (2) for those withthe ID, whether they had used it for specific purposes; and(3) for those without the ID, what their reasons were fornot having one. In five economies with no ID system or verylimited coverage, people were asked a single question onwhether or not they had been unable to access certainservices due to lack of identity documents (see Annex 2 forfull text of questions). Combined with otherindividual-level indicators from the 2017 Global Findex,these data provide new insights into who has an ID, how theyare used, and persistent barriers to access. At the sametime, the data have some limitations. First, while theID4D-Findex questions cover countries that represent closethe three-quarters of the world's population, they donot cover all countries. For example, most high-incomecountries, some low- and middle-income countries, and somesmaller economies are not included. In total, the countriesincluded in the ID4D-Findex data account for a little over80 percent of the population in low and lower-middle incomecountries. Second, the Findex survey is limited to peopleages 15 and older, and therefore does not capture theidentity gap or correlates of identification for theyoungest people. Importantly, we have restricted theanalysis in this paper to those respondents who are abovethe age when the ID is mandatory, using information from theID4D Global Dataset. In countries where the mandatory ID ageis greater than 15 years old, excluding these observationsprovides more conservative estimates of the gap inidentification than if they were included, as young peoplemay not have an ID simply because they are not yet eligibleor required to have one.

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