Despite myriad challenges, Kenya hasemerged in recent years as one of Africa’s frontiereconomies, with headline growth in the most recent decadepropelling the country toward middle-income status. Lesswell understood is how risk dynamics associated withproduction, markets, and policy adversely impact sectorperformance, in terms of both influencing ex ante decisionmaking among farmers, traders, and other sector stakeholdersand causing ex post losses to crops, livestock, and incomes- destabilizing livelihoods and jeopardizing the country’sfood security. The present study was commissioned in part tobridge this knowledge gap. It is the first step in amultiphase process designed to integrate a stronger riskfocus into sector planning and development programs. Itseeks to learn from and build on a range of broadinitiatives by the Government of Kenya (GoK) and itsdevelopment partners purposed to enhance Kenya’s resilienceand response to natural disasters. The ultimate objective isimplementation of a holistic and systematic risk managementsystem that will reduce the vulnerability and strengthen theresiliency of Kenya’s agricultural supply chains, and thelivelihoods that depend on them. This sector risk assessmentis the primary output of phase one. The study’s mainobjective is to identify, assess, and prioritize principalrisks facing Kenya’s agriculture sector by analyzing theirimpacts via quantitative and qualitative measures. Thestudy’s main findings highlight an agriculture sectorincreasingly vulnerable to extreme weather variability.Chapter one gives introduction. Chapter two provides anoverview of Kenya’s agriculture sector and a discussion ofkey growth constraints. Chapter three assesses the mainagricultural risks (production, market, and enablingenvironment). Chapter four analyzes the frequency andseverity of the major risks identified and assesses theirimpact. Chapter five presents some stakeholder perceptionsof these risks and the potential to improve theirmanagement. Chapter six concludes with an assessment ofpriorities for risk management and a broad discussion ofpossible risk management measures that can help tostrengthen the resiliency of agricultural supply chains andthe livelihoods they support.