This South African Agricultural PublicExpenditure Review (AgPer) is one of a series of similarstudies undertaken in several countries in Sub-SaharanAfrica under the Comprehensive Africa AgricultureDevelopment Program (CAADP) of the African Union’s (AU) NewPartnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD) whichencourages governments and development partners (DPs) totarget public expenditure on the agriculture sector as themost effective way of stimulating growth. The overallpurpose of the budget tracking and public expenditure reviewis to provide recommendations to address budgetary planning,budget execution, and accountability in the agriculturalsector, the creation of a reliable data base, and moreeffective intra- and inter-sectoral coordination. It is alsoaimed at stimulating increased resource allocations and toenhance the harmonization and alignment of resources aroundnational and provincial priorities in the agriculturalsector. The report aims to produce the following outputs:foundation data set for understanding reflecting the COFOGand South African nomenclature in budgeting; synthesis ofthe level, composition and quality of budget; andrecommendations for enhancement of the budget tracking process.