The growth landscape of Bosnia andHerzegovina (BiH) is undermined by adverse productivitydevelopments and weak private sector development. BiH isstill finding a pathway to rebalance its current publicsector-led growth model to a private sector-led one. In thislight, enhancing innovation and entrepreneurship (I and E)is a key priority for BiH. This report provides acomprehensive assessment of the current I and E landscape inBiH and offers a roadmap for innovation policy reforms. Itshowcases current I and E outcomes in BiH and providesanalysis of whether current support policies and programs inBiH (including public budget allocations) address existingmarket failures. The report concludes that recent policymeasures have not effectively addressed BiH's needs forsupporting I and E, specifically in terms of access toskills, ease of business regulations, and predictability ofbusiness environment. To this end, this report offers aroadmap for policy reforms as well as suggestions for pilot programs.