Kenya has the opportunities andresources to stimulate sustainable economic growth anddevelopment, but its potential has been constrained byunder-investment and low firm-level productivity.Altogether, its development has not been sufficientlysustainable or equitable to transform the lives of ordinarycitizens. Poverty remains high, with thirty-six percent ofKenyans living under the national poverty line, whereas therichest ten percent of the population receive forty percentof the nation’s income. This country private sectordiagnostic (CPSD) sheds light on how the private sector canmore effectively contribute to advancing the country’sdevelopmental goals. Applying a sectoral lens, it putsforward operational recommendations highlighting strategicentry points for diversification and growth and addresseskey constraints to private sector engagement. It also seeksto inform World Bank and IFC strategies, paving the way forjoint programming to create markets and unlock privatesector potential.