The objectives of the Costing Adaptationthrough Local Institutions (CALI) study were (a) to identifythe costs of adaptation through local institutions, and (b)to investigate which institutions help households adapt toclimate variability, which efforts and costs are needed torealize the adaptation options, and how they facilitateadaptation to climate variability. The study was carried outin Ethiopia, Mali, and Yemen. This report discusses theresults for Yemen. In Yemen, village surveys were conductedin six villages and two expert workshops were organized todiscuss the main framework of the study and to evaluate thedraft results. The study assessed household vulnerability,analyzed the strategies households adopt to reduce theimpacts of climate hazards, and evaluated the assistancehouseholds receive from different institutions. The analysiswas based on household surveys, focus group discussions, andinstitutional stakeholder interviews. Vulnerabilityprofiles, developed on the basis of field survey results,show that household vulnerability differs substantiallybetween and within villages. The results show that thevulnerability and agro ecological potential in Yemen arerelated to rainfall, which is related to altitude. Thisstudy is a reflection of the insights that (a) poor, ruralhouseholds are facing most of the climate variability-related hazards; (b) adaptation also has socioeconomicaspects; (c) understanding local adaptation processes isimportant for informing macro-policies; and (d) forprioritizing future adaptation, it is crucial to analyzehistorical adaptation strategies. The study involves anassessment of the adaptation options rural household pursue.The study also considers the differential access of variousvulnerability groups, as well as the drivers for adoptingparticular strategies or constraints for not adopting otherstrategies. For this, households and institutionalstakeholders were interviewed in six villages in Yemen,focus group discussions were organized, and experts were consulted.