Bangladesh is one of the most vulnerablecountries in the world to climate risks. Two-thirds of thenation is less than 5 meters above sea level and issusceptible to river and rainwater flooding, particularlyduring the monsoon. The Bangladesh Climate Change Strategyand Action Plan (BCCSAP), adopted by the government ofBangladesh in 2009, seek to guide activities and programsrelated to climate change in Bangladesh. Until the past fewyears, climatic risks have been poorly reflected in nationalpolicies and programs Bangladesh. The objective of thisstudy is to help decision makers in Bangladesh to betterunderstand and assess the risks posed by climate change andto better design strategies to adapt to climate change. Thestudy takes as its starting point the BCCSAP. It builds uponand strengthens the analytical models and quantitativeassessment tools already in use in Bangladesh in support ofthe research and knowledge management theme of BCCSAP. Thescope of this study is more limited than the BCCSAP, so thereported costs represent a lower bound on the totaladaptation costs in Bangladesh. The study was developed infour discrete and somewhat independent components withvarying degrees of analytical depth and quantification.