These briefs provide statistics on 39socio-economic indicators encompassing several dimensions ofwellbeing, including poverty and inequality, food security,labor market outcomes, sectoral distribution of employment,gender, education, health, and access to services andinfrastructure. This compendium of key indicators aims toserve three main purposes. First, it provides a snap-shot ofthe development performance of each province and benchmarksit to that of other provinces and of nation as whole. Thiscomparative perspective is provided with a view to assistpolicy makers and other development actors in their effortsto improve development effectiveness, particularly byproviding evidence to prioritize and better targetinterventions at the provincial level. Second, by unbundlingvariations in development outcomes at the sub-nationallevel, these provincial briefs complement and enrich theaggregate description of well being presented in the povertystatus report. Third, these indicators are expected toprovide provincial baselines to be updated by future roundsof the National Risk and Vulnerability Assessment (NRVA), inaddition to serving as a reference for measures obtainedfrom other data sources.