Mali is one of the poorest countries inthe world, with a gross domestic product (GDP) per capita ofabout $ 691 in 2010. Mali's steady per capita GDPgrowth was accompanied with a significant decline in thepoverty rate, from 55.6 percent in 2001 to 43.6 percent in2009-10. Mali's rapid population growth still has ledto an increase of the overall number of people living inpoverty, and is constraining progress in terms of per capitahealth and education outcomes. High fertility rates andgender imbalances are key drivers of Mali's povertydynamics. The present report compiles three different notes,emphasizing the interrelation between poverty, demographicsand gender imbalances. The first note discusses theevolution of poverty in Mali since 2001. The second notereviews recent demographic trends and related policies. Thethird note reports on the latest available data on femalesin business and employment within the formal sector. Thecompilation of these three notes aims to stimulate debatesand the exploration of policy options to tackle povertythrough its interactions with fertility and genderimbalances. It also highlights conclusion of each note.