Chongqing Municipality, located in thesouthwest of inland China and upstream of the Yangtze River,is one of the largest cities in the world, with an area of82,400 km2 and population of 33.92 million(Chongqing Municipal Bureau ofStatistics and NBS Survey Officein Chongqing 2016). To put it inperspective, the municipality’s areais as large as that of Austria and itspopulation is close to that of Canada. This report is based on two analytical streams:1) an assessment of Chongqing’s issues andchallenges at municipality and central cityscales based on the trends of the past 20years, benchmarked with other provincial-levelmunicipalities in China and with global cities toderive policy lessons for Chongqing; and2) a scenario analysis comparing a Trend scenarioand a Compact Growth scenario for centralChongqing.