Cameroon is a lower-middle incomecountry with social indicators and levels of poverty whichare below those for comparator countries. Large and risinginequalities between north and south, inefficiencies inpublic resource allocation and an adverse businessenvironment explain this. While insecurity due to Boko Haramactivities and rapidly rising public debt constrain effortsat poverty reduction, there exists a huge potential foreconomic growth and poverty reduction. This potentialremains mostly untapped. Realizing it will require farreaching reforms, particularly with respect to the businessenvironment and public financial management, and requirepolitically courage to accomplish. The remainder of thisdocument explores how to achieve the twin goals of endingpoverty and improving shared prosperity by 2030 in asustainable manner. The document identifies a limited numberof binding constraints which would need to be lifted toachieve the poverty objective. The next four chapterspresent background material to chapter six, which presentsbinding constraints to poverty reduction. Themicro-foundations to poverty reduction are discussed inchapters two and three. Chapter two discusses poverty,equity and vulnerability. Chapter three discusses humancapital and its role in poverty reduction. Chapter fourconsiders poverty reduction from a macro-economicperspective. It discusses opportunities for growth andeconomic transformation as well as the status of variouscross-cutting economic services. Chapter five, considersgovernance, fragility and the institutional environment.Binding constraints to sustainable poverty reduction areidentified in chapter six.