This Country Partnership Framework (CPF)presents the World Bank Group (WBG) program for Côted’Ivoire (CIV) during the period FY16-FY19. The CPF comes atan opportune moment to accelerate and scale up the WBGengagement. The program will take advantage of CIV’s currentclimate of renewed stability to modernize the economy andeliminate long-standing disparities aggravated by a decadeof multifaceted crisis, during which the World Bank Grouphad to suspend its operation four times. In 2009, atransitional Government resulting from the OuagadougouPolitical Agreement (OPA) provided an appropriate platformto reengage. The transitional Government prepared thecountry’s first Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (PRSP)covering 2009-2015. The WBG Country Partnership Strategy(CPS) for FY10-14, which supported the PRSP’s goals, wasprepared in this context. Political unrest following the2010 Presidential Elections then rendered implementation ofthe 2009 PRSP difficult. During the past four years, CIV hasmade an impressive transition from crisis to relativestability, and from fragility and low equilibrium, throughstabilization, to aspiring emerging economy status. Althoughsome of the root causes of the conflict remain, there arehigh expectations that those will be tackled if the currenttransformation is maintained and the reconciliation agendais intensified. The Government expects to accelerateimplementation of measures designed to improve socialcohesion, develop human capital, build a resilient economy,support territorial development and promote regionalsynergies towards integration. The CPF will also support theachievement of the WBG’s twin goals of reducing extremepoverty and boosting shared prosperity, which is also inline with Côte d’Ivoire’s plans.