This systematic country diagnostic isstructured in two main parts, one backward looking and theother forward looking. The backward-looking analysis aims todraw lessons on the determinants of poverty and sustainableand inclusive growth from (a) stakeholder consultations; (b)a poverty profile; (c) a jobs profile; and (d) a review ofCote d’Ivoire’s experience, and a comparison with Ghana andSri Lanka, countries with similarities to Côte d’Ivoire, butwith different growth trajectories. The poverty analysisshows that over the past 25 years, poverty has deepenedconsiderably, in particular in rural areas in the North andWest. While the fall in cocoa prices played an importantrole, consequences of the price shock were amplified bypolitical and social crisis and cuts in social expenditure.The main employment challenge faced by Cote d’Ivoire is ahigh concentration of employment in low-productivityoccupations, such as agricultural and non-agriculturalself-employment, particularly among the poor, women andthose living in rural areas. Very few individuals holdformal wage jobs, and those who do are concentrated amongthe more educated in urban areas. In the near- and mediumterm, job creation will benefit significantly from growth inthe self-employment and micro-enterprise sectors. Theanalysis concludes that Cote d’Ivoire’s poor performance canbe attributed to its response regarding four sets of policyissues: (a) lack of agricultural development anddiversification; (b) lack of structural transformation intoagro-business and non-agrobusiness led by the privatesector; (c) inequitable social policies; and (d) lack ofgood governance. Based on this analysis, the forward-lookingpart outlines Côte d’Ivoire’s strategic pathways out ofpoverty, better jobs creation through private sector-ledgrowth and human capital development, and the prerequisitesfor achieving those goals. For better jobs creation, themain pathways are increased agricultural productivity anddiversification into agribusiness and other types ofindustries. Addressing constraints under these pathways, inparticular access to finance, will also promotemicroenterprises and self-employment. For human capitaldevelopment, the main pathways are increased and higherquality social spending and an effective social safety net.The last chapter prioritizes key binding constraints anddiscusses knowledge gaps.