This paper is part of an ongoingcollaboration between the World Bank and the GeneralDirectorate of Forestry (GDF) in Turkey. In 2013, the GDFrequested that the World Bank help update their 5-yearForest Sector Strategy (2017-2021), and together theydeveloped a Forest Policy Note (FPN) which provided acomprehensive overview of the Forestry Sector; an in-depthanalysis identifying areas in which the sector could adoptinternational best practices in sustainable forestrymanagement. As part of that analysis, this PROFOR-fundedsurvey was undertaken to better understand the socioeconomicdimensions of forest villages, their forest dependency, andconstraints to income growth in rural areas. The surveycollected important information on the socio-economicconditions of forest village populations, income generatingopportunities, forest use and management practices,migration and activities of forest development programs andcooperatives. The analysis highlights the main challenges toimproving villager livelihoods and forest management andprovides much needed evidence for informing the design andimplementation of forest community development programs.