The need for more sustainable andintegrative planning processes as a way of dealing with thecomplexity of urban mobility has been widely recognized.Within the European Union (EU) there has been an enhancedfocus on urban mobility solutions where local authoritiesmove away from past ‘silo approaches’ and develop approachesthat can stimulate a shift towards cleaner and moresustainable transport modes, in line with the EU’s 2013Urban Mobility Package and Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans(SUMPs).As people choose to move away from cities to theperiphery or to neighboring municipalities, it becomescritical that the organization of urban transport services,including commuter rail, is coordinated within functionalurban areas based on travel-to-work patterns and not belimited to a city’s administrative area.Internationalexperience suggests that public transport planners mustrecognize two integration dimensions: (a) integration amongall modes and routes comprising the multi-modal publictransport network, (b) integration of the public transportoffer within a functional urban area, such that the publictransport offer matches the mobility requirements ofpassengers. Successful integration in both dimensions willprovide a more customer-friendly experience and make publictransport more efficient and cost-effective.The objective ofthis Report is to assess barriers to fare integration andimpediments to integrated service planning. Morespecifically, it aims to: analyze the current legalframework, review current fare discount policy and publicfinancing of such discounts, identify legal obstacles tofare integration; present examples of European best practicein the area of public transport integration; and providerecommendations to remove barriers to fare and ticketingintegration.The World Bank identified six keyrecommendations aimed at incentivizing public transportintegration: i) Introducing uniform statutory fare discountsystem. ii) Reforming the system for financing statutoryfare discounts. iii) Removing barriers to cooperation amongdifferent levels of self-government. iv) Strengthening localauthorities responsible for transport and creating openintegration platforms. v) Protecting PSO Operators fromcreaming skimming. vi)Promote fare integration. Changing thestatus quo will require significant changes to the legalenvironment for public transport aimed at removing barriersto integration.