The increased urbanization and economicactivity in Yangon and Mandalay in the past decade may bepotentially hampered by the negative externalitiesassociated with increased motorization, including longtravel times disproportionately affecting public transportusers and access to jobs and services, and increasingtraffic related accidents and air pollutants and emissions.A forward-looking, actionable, and financially viablesustainable urban mobility strategy for Yangon and Mandalayis a fundamental component to support sustainable andinclusive urbanization in Myanmar over the next decade.Without such a strategy and corresponding investment programbeing made available, the quality of life and access tojobs, opportunities, and services in Yangon and Mandalaywill become increasingly difficult, particularly for thepoor. This report calls for urgent actions for Yangon andMandalay to seize the window of opportunity brought by agrowing economy and put forward financially viable andcorresponding funding and financing schemes for sustainableurban mobility programs aiming to provide efficient,equitable, clean, and safe mobility for the urban populationin the two major cities in Myanmar.