For Ghana's national REDD plusscheme to be viable, the rights to carbon or the emissioncredits generated must be clearly delineated, and beaccompanied by equitable and efficient benefit sharingsystems. There are a number of approaches that the State canuse to determine whom to vest the right to carbon in. Ifdefined as a natural resource, the state would be vestedwith the rights. If recognized as an ecosystem service, thenthe right to the benefits would be vested in the owner ofthe trees. In the latter case, the beneficiaries will differdepending on whether the trees are naturally occurring orplanted. The main opportunities in REDD plus in Ghana are inthe forestation and reforestation of forestlands anddegraded lands. It is possible that REDD plus could provideadditional resources to build on existing systems thatpromote tree planting on degraded land, such as the NationalForest Plantation Development Plan (NFPDP), by providingadditional incentives in reserve and off-reserve areas.