Since Liberia’s Ebola virus disease(EVD) epidemic began in March 2014, nearly 10,000 personshave contracted the virus and more than 4,000 have died. Theeconomic impact of Ebola survey is a high frequency cellphone survey designed to monitor the socio-economic impactsof the EVD crisis in Liberia. The survey has been conductedin five rounds from October 2014 to March 2015. The sampleis based on the nationally representative household incomeand expenditure survey (HIES) implemented from February toAugust 2014 by the Liberia institute of statistics andgeo-information services (LISGIS). The report presents anupdate of the epidemiological situation in Liberia andassociated response efforts at the time of the fifth roundof data collection (March 12-18, 2015). It gives an updateson the employment, prices, food security, coping strategies,health, and education indicators surveyed.