There is considerable public concernabout the level of household indebtedness in Georgia. Thenew regulation expected to come into force on November 1,2018 addresses this concern by enforcing the responsiblecredit framework targeting commercial banks. The objectiveof this note is twofold. First, the note presentsmicro-level evidence using the nationally representativehousehold survey to understand households’ borrowingpatterns with supporting evidence from perceptions surveys.Second, the note examines plausible causal effects ofover-indebtedness on household’s welfare.This paper isstructured as follows. Section 2 provides macroeconomicindicators and findings from perception survey as thebackground evidence. Section 3 illustrates the prevalence ofborrowing among the households and identifies type ofhouseholds that borrow from different sources. Section 4shows results from the causal impact analysis of bank loanson household welfare. Section 5 concludes with directionsfor future research.