West Bank and Gaza is faced with naturalresources scarcity, which constrains livelihoods anddevelopment to varying degrees. The inherent scarcity ofnatural resources is further compounded by increasingdegradation of environment and natural resources. Multiplefactors contribute to deteriorating conditions of theenvironment and natural resources. The politically fragilesituation continues with impacts of restricted movement onpeople and goods affecting the environment negatively sincethere are limited options for expansion of built-up areasand other livelihood opportunities. This has led tounsustainable practices with diminishing quality of theenvironment and natural resource-based livelihoodopportunities for communities. It is therefore vital thatthe environment and natural resources scarcity be activelymanaged in a manner that enhances community livelihoods andresilience in order to contribute to sustainabledevelopment. The Palestinian authority recognizes thechallenges that West Bank and Gaza faces in terms ofenvironment and natural resources and has put in placesvarious strategies and programs to address them. While thesesectoral and national strategies and plans are important,they require full implementation and follow-up to ensurebetter environmental outcomes. This report discusses the keyenvironmental issues faced by West Bank and Gaza, and theway forward to combat the same.