Vietnam's transport sector plays animportant role in its socioeconomic development.Passengertransport helps meets daily needs and contributessignificantly to tourist service development while freighttransport helps meet the country's demand for deliveryof raw materials and of semi-finished products to productionfacilities and for transport of finished products toconsumers. With the overall growth in transport in thecountry, each of the main forms of transport (road, railway,aviation, inland waterways and maritime) are currentlyincreasing the total fuel use for transport and as a resultoverall greenhouse gas emissions.In addition to the mix oftransport modes used, the major factors affecting the impactof this growth on current and future greenhouse gases fromeach mode of transport are the quality and quantity of thevehicles and supporting infrastructure and the type of fuelsused and their efficiency. The following sections evaluatethe infrastructure and fuel use of each of the modes oftransport (sections 1.1-1.5), the current and projectedgreenhouse gas emissions from the sector and the reasons forthis (section 2), and typologies of interventions that canreduce the emissions from the sector (section 3).