This issue of Handshake focuses onnatural resource PPPs that are making a difference. InCartagena, Colombia, a hybrid public-private agency isprofiled that has standardized water service to residentswhile restoring the coast, and in the process, contributedto political stabilization. Around Africas Lake Victoria, anenvironmental management initiative with the potential toreduce the pollution and resource footprint of industrialactivities demonstrates how to include commercial venturesin conservation. This issue also draws inspiration from thethoughtfulness of conservationists who know the path forwarddepends on partnerships. From 2014 Stockholm Water LaureateJohn Briscoe, who has spent his career making sure taps areturned on, to science correspondent M. Sanjayan, whose callto action came in the rainy forest of Sierra Leone, toJean-Michel Cousteau, who founded the Ocean Futures Societyto carry on his family s stewardship of the sea, theinterviews in Handshake give voice to the ways people areconnected to nature, and how our survival depends on thecontinuation of this connection. Original articles from theFAO and The Rockefeller Foundation outline how Payments forEcosystem Services, or PES, brings PPPs benefits directly tofarmers, fishers, and those who maintain forests. This issueincludes the following headlines: Ambassador of the seaJean-Michel Cousteaus case for sustainable fisheries; Aturning point for trees: Can the Amazon s forests be saved?;Restoring Cartagenas coast: A mixed-capitol modelrevitalizes land and sea; Impact investing: The RockefellerFoundation dips its toes into oceans; Against A vision ofperfection: John Briscoe argues for incremental solutions.