The World Bank Group (WBG) has a longexperience in engaging in biodiversity with world-classexpertise in the field. It has been the single largestfunder of biodiversity investments since the late 1980s. TheWBG investments have largely been of two kinds: (1)investments in biodiversity, aimed at the conservation andsustainable use of species, habitats, and ecosystems thatsustain healthy ecosystems, while enhancing people'slivelihoods and safety nets. These investments have alsobeen providing jobs and economic development in frequentlyimpoverished rural areas for example by supporting protectedareas and an increasingly important tourism industry; and(2) investments that add value to projects in other sectors,such as irrigation, hydropower, and infrastructure, byincreasing their environmental sustainability. The WBG is aglobal center of excellence that provides economy widetechnical and economic knowledge and expertise onbiodiversity and ecosystems. It has the standing andconvening power to facilitate participatory dialogue betweenclient countries and networks of other relevant stakeholderson matters of biodiversity and climate change concern, suchas loss of ecosystem resilience, forest law enforcement andgovernance, wildlife trade, and overexploitation of natural resources.